Through its annually published Education Monitoring Reports, ERI aims to contribute to development of our education system and policy development process based on sound-evidence and constructive dialogue. Read More

Through its annually published Education Monitoring Reports, ERI aims to contribute to development of our education system and policy development process based on sound-evidence and constructive dialogue. Read More
PRI, Pınar Ersoy
A fire at a Turkish girls dormitory that killed 11 students in late November has cracked open a debate in Turkey about controversial approaches to educating girls in rural areas, and whether the government is doing enough to monitor religious groups who increasingly are educating them.
Newsweek, Pınar Ersoy
Turkey has been in mourning since late November when a fire rampaged through a girls’ dormitory in Aladag, a town of 18,000 in Adana province of southeast Turkey. Eleven students and one teacher were killed, cracking open a debate in Turkey about controversial approaches to educating girls in rural areas, and whether the government is doing enough to monitor religious groups who increasingly are educating them.
As UN Women, we seek to empower both young women and young men to become influential partners in gender equality and women’s empowerment. In order to do this, we have 6 focus areas. Read More
Today’s Zaman, Nicole Pope
Close to 18 million children are returning to school after what has been an unusually long summer break. As if the three months initially scheduled were not sufficient, the authorities decided to add an extra two weeks of vacation in a move apparently designed to support the struggling tourism industry. Read More
Today’s Zaman
A report released by the Education Reform Initiative (ERI) of Sabancı university, based on the 2014-2015 academic year, has outlined that the demand for state schools in Turkey is diminishing, while there is an increase in demand for private schools. Read More
Akanksha Misra, University of Washington
Today’s Zaman, Abdülkadir Civan
The Constitutional Court of Turkey has released its detailed ruling on the forced closure of prep schools, or dershanes.
Last year, the Turkish government passed legislation which would make it illegal to provide and to receive private tutoring services through the dershanes, effective Sept. 1, 2015 Read More
Today’s Zaman
Ali Osman Öztürk, an eighth-grader, has like many others, still not received the tablet PC that was to be given to all students as part of the Movement to Increase Opportunities and Technology (FATİH) project launched by the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government in 2012. Read More
The demonstration, part of a nationwide boycott of classes called by groups including the Turkish teachers’ union Eğitim-Sen, had been ruled illegal by the government. Striking teachers faced disciplinary action and elsewhere police forcefully dispersed and detained protesters. But still they marched on. Read More