Özgenur Korlu

Özgenur Korlu

ERG Researcher

Özgenur started her university education in Boğaziçi University’s Philosophy Department, and graduated from Boğaziçi University with the double major degree in Economics and Political Science & International Relations. Currently, she is a social policy master student.


She finished 12-year compulsory education in 11 different schools. With help of non-uniformity of these schools, she realized the inequality in education at a young age. This drove her to work for improvements in public policy, especially in education. With the courses she took throughout her university education, she specialized in public policy evaluation. Since April 2018, she works in Education Reform Initiative (ERG).


Other than her interest in public policy, she loves data analysis, learning computer programs through trial and error, Shakespeare, Marx, post-1980 American movies, dark comedy, speaking in front of people and getting excited by speaking in front of people, writing essays on issues she cares, and her family. She believes that education is the only way to rescue children from the environment they were born into. One day, she will give “Shakespeare and Politics” workshops, and finish writing her book.

Telephone: 0 212 292 5044 - 1503
Email: ozgenurkorlu@sabanciuniv.edu
Address: Bankalar Cad. No 2 Karaköy Minerva Han Kat 5 34425 Karaköy - İstanbul

ERG Team

Deniz Göktaş

Deniz Göktaş

Project Specialist
Günalp Turan

Günalp Turan

Project Assistant (Teachers Network)
Irmak Akıncı

Irmak Akıncı

Communications Assistant
Yakup Yıldırım

Yakup Yıldırım

Events and Organization Specialist (Teachers Network)