Turkey is embarking on one of the world’s largest educational technology projects: putting tablet computers in the hands of every student from grade 5 to 12, and interactive whit ...read more
Prepared by Batuhan Aydagül and Dr. Hakan Yılmaz, the objective of the report was to contribute to the creation of a dialogue platform, to present a critique of VET(Vocational Ed ...read more
ERI recently published Catch-up Education Program’s (CEP) Mid-Term Review Report with the technical and financial support of UNICEF. Please click here to download the English ...read more
The aim of this report is to provide an analysis and evaluation of the curricula prepared as per decisions no. 114, 115, 116, 117 and 118, dated 12 July 2004 of the B ...read more
If we could travel in time and have a glimpse of Turkey in the year 2025, what would we see? What would we change, what would we redo? What would we regret? What issues would we sa ...read more
ERG initiated a series of meetings between May 2004 and February 2005 on "religion and schooling" in order to discuss the increasing need for reform in this area through a particip ...read more