From Research to Practise

Teachers Network is a sharing and cooperation network in which teachers come together with their colleagues and various disciplines, and gain strength. The foundations of the Teachers Network are based on the outputs of the “Teachers Research”, which was collaboratively conducted by ERG and ATÖLYE with the financial support of Vehbi Koç Foundation. The research pinned down the most common problems among teachers and showed that these problems were motivation loss, despair, and loneliness. Further, in order to overcome this issues, it was seen that teachers needed to be an active and creative participant in their own personal and professional development journeys. 


Thus, a change theory was devised in order to support the teachers in Turkey to empower themselves. According to this theory, in order for teachers to empower themselves, they need to put forward their needs. To satisfy these needs they need to get in touch with stakeholders in education, mainly their colleagues. This is the reason why the aim of creating a sustainable learners community, comprised of stakeholders in education, was born. In this context, Teachers Network devised a model in which it brings stakeholders in education, foundations, NGOs, persons from various disciplines and institutions together to support teachers in their professional journeys and processes of creating solutions. 

Teachers Network Model

Teachers Network resorts to certain tools in order to realize its aim to empower teachers and bring them together with stakeholders:


Events in which experts from various disciplines and teachers interact with one another and obtain new knowledge.

Experience Sharing

Events in which teachers share the strategies and methods they devised while they are handling certain problems.

Case Studies

Events in which a common problem in schools scrutinized with teachers and a course of action toward a solution is devised.

1 Teacher 1 Discipline

Events in which experts from various fields and teachers work together and use the content they produced.

From Teacher to Teacher

Events in which teachers share the content they devised in a field they are specialized in with their colleagues.

Thinking Abilities

The education program which targets developing teachers’, and though their help students’, thinking abilities.

Creative Problem Solving

Hybrid workshops that focuses on hardships encountered by teachers and on solutions to these hardships that can be replicated in classrooms and schools through design thinking.


Next to these tools, with the Change Ambassador program, the aim is to help teachers in realizing their potential and popularizing Teachers Network culture and values, and to increase the number of teachers who create change and transformation through tools and methods offered by Teachers Network.

Teachers Network took the action in 2016 with the support from Mother Child Education Foundation (AÇEV), Aydın Doğan Foundation, Enka Foundation, Mehmet Zorlu Foundation, Sabancı Foundation, and Vehbi Koç Foundation. Since 2017, it has brought together 3207 participants with 84 meetings in 10 cities and 33 venues. 

For upcoming events, keep in touch via our social media accounts.

What Our Teachers Say