ERG, initiated three separate research projects in January 2011 with the collaboration of UNICEF and the MoNE General Directorate of Primary Education. In the first research project, the effect of economic crisis on the student attendance to school was examined in the light of e-school data and policies developed for a more effective use of the e-school system. The second research focused on which features of students were the determinants of access to secondary education, the report aimed to bring recommendations toward increasing access to secondary school. In the third research, results of a field research on the ways in which primary schools create and use resources formed the basis of model building activities in order to make resource use more equalitarian and efficient.

 Transition From Primary To Secondary Education Policy Analysis and Recommendations

Analyzing the Transition from Primary to Secondary Education in Turkey Research Brief

Determinants and Monitoring of Student Attendance Policy Analysis and Recommendations

The Basic Determinants of Attendance and Absenteeism in Primary Education in Turkey Research Brief

Towards Stronger Primary Education Institutions Policy Analysis and Recommendations

Financial Management of Primary Education Institutions in Turkey Research Brief